8. 11. 2022

Sporočilo za javnost: EP 2022

Glede pritožbe, ki jo je na Evropsko rokometno federacijo EHF in organizacijski odbor EHF EURO 2022 naslovili predstavniki srbske rokometne reprezentance, zaradi prisotnosti tujih elektronskih naprav na njihovem treningu pred tekmo z reprezentanco Slovenije, podajamo dodatno pojasnilo v izogib širjenju netočnih in nepreverjenih informacij.

Po prejemu pritožbe, je stekla interna EHF preiskava, z namenom, da se nemudoma razjasnijo okoliščine, lokalni organizator pa je bil pozvan tudi k izjavi v zvezi okoliščinami. Organizacijski odbor je potrdil, da ni šlo za nikakršno nepooblaščeno snemanje treninga srbske reprezentance. V času, ko je slovenska ženska rokometna reprezentanca trenirala v dvorani Tri lilije, je ena izmed članic slovenske reprezentance praznovala rojstni dan, ostale članice pa so ji ta dan pripravile presenečenje, kar so želele tudi posneti. Po rojstnodnevnem presenečenju je slovenska reprezentanca nadaljevala s pripravljalnim treningom.

Vsem, ki so zaradi tega neljubega dogodka bili morda prizadeti, se v imenu celotnega organizacijskega odbora EURO EHF 2022 in RZS iskreno opravičujemo. RZS in organizacijski odbor EHF EURO 2022 sta vedno in bosta tudi v bodoče močno zagovarjala transparentnost, poštenost in visoke etične standarde ter ničelno toleranco do vseh nepoštenih praks v športu. Obenem odločno podpiramo sankcioniranje vseh ugotovljenih kršitev.

S spoštovanjem,

Organizacijski odbor EHF EURO 2022

Regarding the complaint submitted by the representatives of Serbian national handball team addressed to the European Handball Federation EHF and the organizing committee of the EHF EURO 2022 regarding the presence of unknown electronic devices at their training before the match with the national team of Slovenia, we would like to provide you with additional explanation to avoid the spread of any inaccurate and unverified information.


After receiving the complaint, an internal EHF investigation was initiated for immediate clarification of the circumstances of this event. The local organizer was also asked to make a statement regarding the circumstances. The organizing committee confirmed that there was no unauthorized recording of the Serbian national team's training. At the time when the Slovenian women's handball national team was also training in the Tri lilije hall, one of Slovenian national handball team members celebrated her birthday, and other members prepared her a surprise, which they also wanted to record. After the birthday surprise, the Slovenian national team continued with its preparatory training.


On behalf of the entire EURO EHF 2022 organizing committee and Handball Federation of Slovenia (RZS), we sincerely apologize to all who may have been affected by this unfortunate event. RZS and the organizing committee of EHF EURO 2022 have always and will continue to strongly defend transparency, honesty, and high ethical standards, as well as zero tolerance for all unfair practices in sport. At the same time, we firmly support the sanctioning of all violations found.



EHF EURO 2022 Organizing Committee