26. 1. 2021

Pobuda na IHF za izboljšave v prihodnje

Že na začetku naj poudarimo, da Rokometna zveza Slovenije izraža hvaležnost IHF in lokalnemu organizacijskemu odboru za organizacijo svetovnega prvenstva v zelo težki in zahtevni situaciji, ki jo je povzročila pandemija virusa CORONA. Dobro se zavedamo posebnosti in ogromnih težav, ki jih povzroča pandemija COVID, ki je vsem prinesla veliko izzivov, ki vplivajo in otežuje organizacijo takega dogodka na tej ravni.

V naši reprezentanci nikoli nismo iskali izgovorov. Kot vedno prevzamemo vso odgovornost za vsak projekt. Gotovo bi lahko nekatere stvari naredili drugače, tudi bolje, a tokrat smo se čez noč znašli v zelo težki situaciji, ki je še nismo doživeli. Nenadoma je 12 naših igralcev imelo zdravstvene težave in trije niso mogli tekmovati. Uspešnost ostalih 9 je bila zagotovo nižja kot v običajnih okoliščinah.

Gotovo je za razumeti, da smo v takšnih razmerah poskušali analizirati razloge za zdravstvene težave, ki so lahko posledica številnih različnih dejavnikov. Prvi dejavnik, o katerem smo razmišljali, je bila hrana in vsi vemo, da se dejavniki in simptomi bolezni lahko razlikujejo glede na imunski sistem vsakega posameznika. Zelo jasno bi poudarili, da nikoli nismo trdili, da je bila situacija, ki se je zgodila, namerno izzvana, vendar se ne moremo izogniti dejstvu, da je prišlo do bolezni nekaterih igralcev. Ker so vse ekipe v hotelu imele enake pogoje, ki so bili v hotelu Marriott primerni, in se niso soočali s toliko zdravstvenimi težavami, je izredno težko reči, kaj se je v resnici zgodilo. Prav tako bi radi poudarili, da je naša ekipa uporabljala samo hrano iz hotelskega bifeja in iz hotelske sobne postrežbe (pice itd.). Pili so le ustekleničeno vodo. Zato si želimo, da situacijo skupaj z IHF analiziramo in razjasnimo, da bi se izboljšali in se ji izognili v prihodnjih dogodkih.

Zelo nam je žal, da se je takšna situacija zgodila med vrhunskim dogodkom, pa tudi v izjemno zahtevni in specifični situaciji, ki jo je povzročila pandemija. Organizacija vseh prihodnjih dogodkov je ključnega pomena za nadaljnji razvoj našega športa in vse vključene zainteresirane strani bi morale sodelovati pri njegovem izboljšanju.


At the very beginning let us emphasize,  that the Handball Federation of Slovenia is expressing the gratitude and appreciation to the IHF and the Local Organising Committee  for organizing the World championship in a very upredictable and challenging situation, caused by the CORONA virus pandemic. We are very well aware of the specifics and the huge difficulties caused by  the COVID pandemic, which brought a lot of challenges to all of us, and which affects and complicates the organization of such an event at this level.

We have never looked for excuses in our national team. As always, we take the whole responsibility for every project. We could have certainly done some things differently, also better, but this time we found ourselves overnight in a very difficult situation that we had never experienced before. Suddenly, 12 of our players got medical related problems, and 3 of them were unable to compete. The other 9's performance has surely been lower than in normal circumstances.

You can surely understand that in such a situation, we were trying to analyze the reasons of the medical problems, and those could be the result of many different factors. The first factor we were thinking about, was the food, and we all know the factors and illness symphtoms can vary from each individual's immune system. We would like to emphasize very clearly, that we have never claimed that the situation that happened, has been provoked intentionally, however we can not avoid the fact that the illness of some players occured. Since all the teams in the hotel have had  the same conditions, which were very appropriate at the Marriott hotel, and they haven't been facing so many medical problems,  it is extremely difficult to say what really happened. Also, we would like to emphasize that our team has been only using the food from the hotel buffet and from the hotel room-service (pizzas, etc.). Also, they were drinking only bottled water. Therefore, we strongly suggest to jointly analyze  and clarify the situation, in order to improve and to avoid it during the future events.

We are very sorry that such a situation happened during our top event, which is otherwise well organized, and also, in an extremely challenging and specific situation caused by the pandemic . The organization of  all the future events are crucial for furter development of our sport, and all the stakeholders involved should  work together to improve it .